Monday, September 16, 2013

Pure Catskills at Delaware Academy Elementary School

Kristan Morley's headshot

Guest Blogger Kristan Morley is an AmeriCorps member serving as the Pure Catskills Coordinator for the Watershed Agricultural Council.

The AmeriCorps program is devoted to serving the community during the month of September. As a member, I chose to volunteer at the Delaware Academy Elementary School to help bring awareness to the Pure Catskills “Buying Fresh, Buying Local” campaign on September 11. The importance of eating fresh, healthy, local and organic food is rapidly becoming a key focal point, especially in our schools. I saw first-hand how fresh local food is being introduced through my Alma Mater’s cafeteria. 

Serving breakfast to students at Delhi Central Schools.
Serving breakfast to students at Delhi Central Schools.
My day started at 6:30 a.m. by helping make breakfast for incoming students and teachers. I was guided by staff on what they needed from me. I noticed a very important change that has been made in the lunch room: whole wheat everything nutrition awareness! I made 20 pieces of whole wheat toast and 3 whole wheat English muffins, and I helped serve 63 students their breakfast.

After breakfast clean-up, I prepared lunch. A new and healthier meal now being offered to students and teachers every day is a chef’s salad. The portion of the salad is much larger, and is substituted as a main meal. I made 30 salads, and they all went. I found joy in knowing that students were looking forward to buying that as a meal.  I helped dish up 216 lunches. 

Preparing salads for lunch.
Preparing salads for lunch.
After lunch was served, I put together the snack bags of milk for each class room and helped with clean-up. My day ended at 1:15 p.m. I had an incredible time and was pleased to see how much has changed since I walked through the cafeteria line. 

I want to send my gratitude to Christine Miller, the Food Service Director; Alice Viafore; Debbie Merwin; and all other cafeteria staff members for a wonderful experience! Thank you for allowing me to spend the day with you. You all do much more than I could have imagined to make school breakfast, lunch and snack programs happen. 

Christine Miller and I before the day got started.
Christine Miller and I before the day got started.
For more information on the AmeriCorps program, click here

Remember to Buy Fresh, Buy Local!

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