Who says nothing is happening during the winter? The February calendar is filling up with farm and food events that will put an end to your cabin fever!
Thursday, February 3, 1 to 4:30 pm
Tusten Town Hall, Bridge Street, Narrowsburg
The February meeting of the Roundtable will focus on agriculture with speakers from numerous organizations and agencies in the Delaware Valley region. Contact roundtable@upperdelaware.com or Laurie Stuart at (845) 252-6626.
Saturday, February 12, 1 to 4 pm
SUNY Delhi, Delhi
Organized by Farm Catskills, this meeting will convene farmers, cafeteria/dining program directors, school board members, parents and community members to discuss the expansion of farm to school connections.
Saturday, February 12, 10 am to 3 pm
Adults and children alike are encouraged to come learn to knit or crochet or refresh their rusty knitting or crocheting skills. Registration required by February 5th. Cost $35.00 per person. Contact (607) 746-3849 ordcha@delhi.net
Tuesday, February 15, 7 pm
Okun Theatre, Farrell Student Center, SUNY Delhi
The Food for Thought committee presents a panel discussion on local food as a business; how & why people get involved; the challenges & rewards; why it's important; & the future. Free event! Contact Mary Pysnik at (607) 746-4783.
Thursday, February 17
Teleconference locations at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Orange and Ulster Counties
A one day event exploring successful wholesaling techniques for small and mid-sized farms, including a "Meet-the-Buyers" session. A farmer-friendly overview of current food safety issues included as well as information on the certification process presented by Cornell's GAP expert, Betsy Binh. Contact Michael Morris at (917) 838-2309 ormmorris@greenmarket.grownyc.org to register.
Saturday, February 19, 10 am - 2:30 pm
Woodstock Elementary School
Cost: $25, including lunch
Presented by the Woodstock Land Conservancy and the Woodstock Farm Festival. Mr. Salatin will discuss why food, farms and eating local matter with a panel of local farmers.Register online or contact mreynolds.wlc@gmail.com or (845) 679-5345.
Sunday, February 20, 11 am to 3 pm
Hodgson Farm and Garden Center
Organized by the Hudson Valley Food Network, this skill share will include talks on raising chickens, mushroom propagation, organic gardening, sausage making and fermented sodas. Contact Meghan Murphy at hvfoodnetwork@gmail.com.
Don't forget that Winter Farmers' Markets are still happening! Check our webcalendar for upcoming dates.